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Not just play – Growth in Review Works

27 Oct 2023

Last week, the children in EY1&2 were immersed in the exploration of colours. From simple colour mixing to diverse explorations combining spray bottles, water, paint, and various open-ended materials, they created unique works of art that were exclusively their own.






However, at Huili Nursery Nantong, the completion of the artwork is not the end of the children's learning journey. After the creation of the artwork, the teachers lead the children in a unique activity called "Review Works".


This is the first time the children have introduced their creations to their partners through the MAXHUB. From the excited expressions of the children, we can see that they are excited to let more people see their work. They organised their thoughts and tried their best to explain the creative ideas behind their artwork to their peers. During the explanation process, the children also constantly re-examined their own work and discovered aspects that can be improved:


  • Audrey found that her little rabbit had no tail or legs. 

  • Mo found that his shark had no tail. 

  • Ian found that the cup on his bus was missing wheels. 

  • Sophie found that her hippopotamus was missing legs. 

  • Leo found that his shark was missing a tail and mouth.






The purpose of "Review Works" is not only to increase children's confidence and pride. Through retrospection, we guide children to reflect on their own work, so that they can get further inspiration and then improve or create a second time. Evaluation and reflection in children's play and creation can have a positive effect on improving their learning enthusiasm, participation, learning quality, and learning ability.


“Learning originates from thinking, and thinking starts with doubt.”  —— Chen Xianzhang Ming Dynasty thinker, philosopher, and educator


At Huili Nursery Nantong, almost every learning exploration includes review and reflection, which has become an organic part of the learning journey. We encourage children to engage in review and summary, thinking and exploration, allowing them to freely raise questions and doubts, and to find answers through practise and experimentation. We believe that only through continuous thinking and questioning can one truly acquire knowledge and skills, cultivate critical thinking and creative thinking, and lay a solid foundation for future learning and life.










If you would like to learn more about Huili Nursery Nantong, please get in touch with us using the links below. Our Co-Heads of Lower School would be delighted to welcome your family to the Nursery for a Day Pass experience so your child can participate in our wonderful learning opportunities with current Nursery students. 



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 Day Pass Experience