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Not just play

22 Sep 2023

Our children have already spent their first week of school in Nursery! After successfully establishing connections with their teachers and peers, the children explored the indoor and outdoor environments in all directions this week. Our student’s curiosity and desire to explore are being stimulated daily.



In the classrooms of EY1&2, the art area is winning the love of children with its’ colours and diverse creative methods. Boundless inspiration continues to burst forth here, and there is always laughter and creativity. Sometimes, just squeezing colours out of a paint bottle onto white paper can make children very happy!


In EY1&2 children's muscle movements are still in the process of becoming increasingly coordinated, and sometimes they cannot coordinate their hand movements well. Their creativity tends to be more towards fun games. Although using a paintbrush can create fine lines, it seems to be not very efficient, so why not use hands instead? When hands slide and colours mix, a beautiful world is instantly created. "It looks like clouds!", "The paint feels cool and soft, just like clouds, right?". In this natural and relaxed atmosphere, children's feelings and experiences are so vivid and lively.



With this opportunity, we took our paints outdoors and explored mixing them in a large sensory tray. The primary colours of red, yellow, and blue, put together in different ratios, mixed wonderfully.


  • Blue and yellow mixed together is green, which is the colour of our lawn!

  • The sky is blue, but it seems a little different from blue paint, can we add some water?



Nature showcases different styles in different seasons, providing infinite creative inspiration for children's colour journey. In this natural and relaxing atmosphere, children naturally open their senses to perceive and explore the changes of various colours and mixed colours in a real environment. They also explore the sensory experiences of different materials, further developing their ability to appreciate and feel art.



At Huili Nursery Nantong, teachers seize every opportunity to use nature, daily life, project-based learning and Drama in Education strategies to help children discover, appreciate, express, and create beauty. Children are encouraged to expand their creativity and promote comprehensive development.



If you would like to learn more about Huili Nursery Nantong, please get in touch with us using the links below. Our Co-Heads of Lower School would be delighted to welcome your family to the Nursery for a Day Pass experience so your child can participate in our wonderful learning opportunities with current Nursery students. 



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call 0513-6807 8806 / 17714855368





 Day Pass Experience 



