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The first week of Huili Nursery Nantong

01 Sep 2023



The beautiful autumn has arrived!

Filled with eager anticipation for each other, we and the children gathered after the summer break to embark on the journey for the new academic year!




Although the weather was not at its best on Orientation Day, the lively atmosphere in the classroom made everyone feel like they were in the warm and cozy sunshine.


Our old friends returned to the classroom after a long absence and carefully explored the magical changes that had occurred during the summer holiday. The newly joined friends also quickly made connections with their classmates with the help of their teachers, and everyone is looking forward to a brand-new life in Nursery!




During the first week of Nursery, our little friends brought many surprises to all the teachers!


  • Each child bravely said goodbye to their family and happily welcomed their first day of Nursery!

  • Friends in EY2 took on responsibility to bravely and patiently explain the various facilities in the Nursery to EY1 

  • “What did you do during your summer vacation? Can you share with me?” The children gathered to communicate their experiences during the summer.

  • Going outdoors to play? I can change my shoes by myself!

  • Children in EY3&4 have started organising and planning their open resources!








The separation of one summer made the children more excited and thrilled when they returned to the Nursery: seeing their teachers and classmates again, meeting new friends, returning to familiar classrooms and play areas, continuing to learn new knowledge and skills, and discovering their own potential... This exciting beginning of our Academic years fills me with confidence and anticipation for our journey ahead. It is hoped that in the days to come, we will maintain this enthusiasm and curiosity, constantly explore the world, bravely try new things, and achieve wonderful things!

