On 13th September Hiba Academy Nantong welcomed the Founding Nursery pupils onto campus after a successful week of online learning to start the year. Pupils arrived with their families and met the Nursery academic team, Nursery support staff, as well as our Master, Simon Kenworthy, and Principal, Suisui Yu.
The first day of in-person teaching began with a family Orientation Day. The pupils explored the environment through a range of activities in various parts of the Nursery setting.
Children were invited to create a self-portrait using different open-ended materials, harnessing their creativity and imagination as a result. Family members were invited to leave wishes on our wishing tree, and we received lovely messages. If you would like to contribute to the wishing tree, please leave your words with us and we will display them in the Nursery.
Throughout the first day, children were given opportunities to explore their own interests during free flow indoor exploration sessions. Children were invited to explore the natural, open-ended resources in the classrooms through thought-provoking play, which then developed into child-initiated play with new peers.
We observed the children were confident when making new friends and communicating with each other with kindness and respect. As the children settled into the rhythms of the day, they also approached adults for help when needed. We have been impressed with the children’s resilience and bravery at drop-off times in the mornings, and even more impressed with the families as they say goodbye with a smile and a wave.
An important part of our Nursery is the dining room. During Orientation Day pupils were given the opportunity to explore music and share their favourite offerings to be played at lunchtimes in the future. This activity aimed to demonstrate the value placed on meal times at Hiba Academy Nantong as learning opportunities and spaces that can be planned for as clearly as classroom-based activities.
At lunchtime on the first day, Nursery pupils demonstrated great independence as they ate their food. Many children tried a wide variety of food and shared their thoughts about personal preferences with the adults who ate with them. We were impressed to observe pupils carrying their plates carefully to ask for refills of food, and then helpfully tidied away the plates, bowls, and cutlery when they were finished.
The wet weather did not stop the Nursery pupils from exploring our amazing outdoor play area. With wellies and raincoats on, children had time investigating the mud kitchen using an exciting range of resources – giant spoons, long-handled brushes, pots, and spades.
Several pupils spent time mixing the mud and water, creating banana cake and potions by mixing and stirring. Other children observed how water moved through the channel and used brushes to explore this experience independently.
Children demonstrated resilience when climbing up and down the sides of the channel and used their gross motor skills for balance. We are excited to see the wet weather continue this week and will delight in further outdoor exploration.
It has been a momentous week for our Nursery pupils as they have made the impressive transition to in-person learning. The Nursery staff have been constantly wowed by the adaptability, inquisitiveness, and intrigue shown by the youngest members of the school community.