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Nursery Experiential Event - Clay workshop

08 Jun 2022


Children's Day has just passed, but it also brings back memories of happy childhood days for us. Whenever we think back to our childhood, those moments that seem to glitter often involve "mud": running on the ridge with bare feet; jumping into the small puddles after the rain to splash the mud; kneading a cartoon character with mud-covered hands. 




We can often forget that the "dirty dirt" is the first and best companion of children, bringing the smell of nature and the infinite imagination and vitality connected with the earth. 





Children live through the senses. Sensory experiences connect the external world to the inner, hidden, and effective world. Therefore, the freedom to explore and play through the senses is essential for the healthy development of the inner life. 




Hiba Academy Nantong always encourages children to be given ample space and time to explore. The clay workshop is a special activity by Hiba Academy Nantong, which can fully mobilize children's sense of touch and vision, encourage them to visualize their whims, cultivate their three-dimensional thinking and shaping ability, and strengthen the overall coordination of children's hands, eyes and brains. 


On 16th June, May Xue, the Chinese Co-Head of Early Years , invites all parents to join her for the clay workshop. They will be able to follow their own hearts, create with abandon, understand the joy of children's creativity from an adult's point of view, and experience how Hiba Academy Nantong cultivates children's imagination. 


Clay Workshop

Date:16 June 2022

Time:9:30am – 11:30am (please sign up by 9:00am)

Target audience:Parents of nursery pupils

Location:Hiba Academy Nantong 66 Haide Road Su-Xi-Tong Science and Technology Industrial Park,Nantong, Jiangsu

How to participateLong press the QR code below or call 0513-8919 0666 / 177 1485 5368





May Xue

Chinese Co-Head of Early Years


Ms May Xue received her bachelor’s and a master’s degree in Child Development Psychology from Zhejiang Normal University. She joined the Hiba community in 2016 and has served in Hiba Academy Shanghai and Hiba Academy Hangzhou. She has always tried to apply pedagogical and psychological theories to her teaching. This experience has helped form her educational concept and philosophy. Together with the leadership of Hiba Academy Nantong, she looks forward to turning our Nursery into a place that children enjoy coming to learn.

Ms Xue is an outdoor sports enthusiast with hiking and skiing being her favorite. She believes that exercise not only keeps us healthy, but also brings us closer to nature.



Contact Us

Contacts:Sammi Gu

Hotline:0513-8919 0666

Telephone:177 1485 5368

Contacts:Jennifer Gu

Hotline:0513-8919 0661

Telephone:177 1485 4369



Founding Office Address:

China-Austria Eco-Park, Su-Xi-Tong Science and Technology Industrial Park, Nantong

School Address:
66 Haide Road, Su-Xi-Tong Science and Technology Industrial Park, Nantong, Jiangsu



