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English learning in play

10 May 2023




Do you remember the last article we posted about the pupils tackling the Seed Village villagers' soil issue? In fact, apart from the planting and soil issues, the children explored all other aspects of the seed village: where do the villagers live? What do their homes look like? What do the villagers look like? What kind of clothes do they wear? When reading "Naked Mole Rat Gets Dressed" in a recent English session, the children immediately connected the story of Wilbur to the seed village.




Wilbur tells the children that they can dress differently for different scenes. Children started to wonder what clothes villagers wear and why they wear them. They used the vocabulary they had practised in the previous weeks to analyse and describe various photos of villagers.


  • Why are all of them wearing hats? Is it because it's going to rain?

    Villagers wear hats to protect themselves from getting sunburnt.


  • Children also notice that the villagers wore long-sleeved shirts and pants in all photos. Is it also because of the sun?

    We concluded that it is partially because of the sun and because insects, plants' leaves, stems, and branches can also hurt the farmers' arms and legs.


While sharing and discussing with each other, they also explored the names of different items – trousers, dresses, sweaters, jackets, shirts, t-shirts, shoes, socks, etc. Finally, some pupils bravely wrote sentences about their villagers.



As if finding out what the villagers were wearing wasn't enough, the children thought they could try their hand at designing and making their own clothes! First, the children had to decide what clothes they would make and then choose the fabric. Then, carefully used the scissors to cut the patterns. When they were finished, it was time to share their handmade outfit with the group. Then, taking turns, each pupil described in English the type of clothes they had made and their colours.




Such exciting and fun English sessions not only help to develop children's fine motor skills and concentration, but also help children to improve their English vocabulary through a lifelike approach. A lot of communication during the activities quietly deepens the children's understanding of English grammar and improves their sense of speech and pronunciation accuracy.







Day Pass Experience 

Huili Nursery Nantong has started the autumn intake for the 2023-24 academic year. Families who are interested in registering for September 2023 (EY2/EY3/EY4) are welcome to scan the QR code below to make an appointment to visit the school.


Families of school age are welcome to register for our Day Pass Experience at Huili Nursery Nantong.


  • Parents will have the opportunity to meet with the Chinese and Western Co-head of Early Years, gain an in-depth understanding of our nursery’s educational philosophy and get an interactive experience of our unique facilities and environment.


  • Children will have the opportunity to join a classroom of their own age and be immersed in our bilingual classes with Huili pupils for an in-depth exploration of the joys of bilingual learning.




Wednesday & Thursday
